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How to Change Unrequited Love

Hello from Athens Greece! I have read your articles for the past 5 years and they are great. At this point of my life I have a difficult situation to deal with and maybe you can help me.
My intention is to create a relationship with a really nice young man with whom I have been in love for the last 11 months. I am 36 and I dare to say that I have had a bit of intuition since I was a child. However I don’t know if that help me in my life as I don’t seem to have enough power to change my intuitive thoughts about the future.
Anyway, here is my problem: I prefer to make long lasting fulfilling relationships with the “perfect” match. That’s why I have had only one relationship in my whole life for 12 years with my former husband. Now we are divorced (which was mostly my fault). We have been apart for the last 6 years.
I have a clear image of the man I want to be with in my mind and his characteristics. Last November I met a guy exactly like that! I knew it from the first minute and he said “later” to me that he felt it too.
Since we work together we got to know each other very well. I believe that he is almost perfect for me, and so he said. However he is a bit younger and began first relationship and nothing happened between us.
As we got to know each other he seemed interested but didn’t want to cheat so he broke up with her three times in order to be with me. However he had still feelings for her. He felt sorry that he hurt her so badly so he went back to her each time.
I tried when I met him to do the techniques and they worked but at the end I got disappointed and really jealous and lost my alignment. I got mad at him, he was mad at me for treating him badly and we went through a bad period.
We talk and see each other every day but he is still with this other woman. I saw many signs at first now I am really disappointed and I keep crying all day because I fell in love with him. I am desperate!
What do you think I should do (besides looking for another guy)!? I really thing he is the one for me! He has flaws ok… but otherwise he is very nice!
Thank youUnhappily In Love
Dearest In Love,
My heart goes out to you. We have all been there – in love and unhappy about something in the relationship. Yes, what you have to be unhappy about is big – your love is with another woman! Still, whether a large or small issue, it always come down to the same thing.
We cannot control another person.
Hear this please – if someone is not acting the way you want them to act, be it boyfriend, spouse, co-worker, family member or friend – you cannot change them!
You cannot change someone else. Period.
You can, however, change yourself and thus your reality will change. But as my dear friend Lazaris reminds us, “Nothing changes until you do”.
It is wonderful you set your intentions on a loving relationship. It is even better that you thought about the characteristics of that relationship. I think where it fell apart for you, is when you received a ‘sign’ that the universe was about to deliver what you ordered, and you assumed it was more than a sign. You assumed it was the relationship!
Now I am not saying it isn’t the relationship. It very well may be. But it probably will not be until your energy is clearer on what you want, what you think you deserve, what you believe is possible and what you will allow.


A relationship was a deep yearning for me. I knew I had a lot of love to give. I knew I longed for a partner who would love me deeply in return. This was my intention:
I intend to fully enjoy a wonderful loving relationship with a man with whom I’m emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically and cosmically compatible. I intend for this relationship to be filled with fun, freedom, ease, joy, love, intimacy, vulnerability and trust.
I did create a man coming into my life. I loved him deeply and he loved me deeply as well. We were engaged within a few months.
And then reality hit. Rather my fear kicked in. Was he ‘the one’? Could he be this man I had set my intentions on?
And when my fears manifested as him being fearful. The fear on both our parts spiraled us into more fear, more reasons to fear, and because the love seemed threatened on both our parts, we each tried to control the other.
I probably don’t need to tell you – this turned out badly.
He left. I, although disappointed, vowed to heal and change myself. I dove deep into my psyche, retrieved beliefs that conflicted with what I desired, such as:
The perfect man for me doesn’t exist.
I’ll never meet the perfect man for me.
I cannot be fully myself and be accepted.
I need to bend over backward in a relationship in order to be loved.
I need to earn love.
I need to sacrifice my own needs in a relationship.
My significant other needs to be perfect.
I then changed these beliefs to:
The perfect man for me does exist.
I’ll meet the perfect man for me at the right time.
I can be fully myself and be accepted.
I need to just be myself in a relationship in order to be loved.
I need to receive love.
I need to tend to my own needs in a relationship.
My significant other needs to be willing to grow.
I quickly met, and became engaged to another man, whom I thought was ‘the one’! Much to my dismay, only 6 months into the relationship, this man proved me wrong. Back to the metaphysical drawing board!
I worked again on my beliefs, scrutinized my thoughts, and was more determined than ever to create the relationship of my dreams.
What I realized in the year since ‘man A’ had left, was that I had been trying to control the men in my life since I was a little girl. Thinking I was less powerful than the men in my life, if I controlled them I ultimately would get what I wanted.
More beliefs were discovered:
Everything is an illusion but men.
The more I control, the more I get the love I truly want.
Men are not safe.
Men are more powerful than me.
Men in my life always betray me and I cannot trust them.
And I changed those beliefs to:
Everything is an illusion including men.
The more I let go, the more I get the love I truly want.
Men are safe.
Men can be as powerful as me.
Men in my life always support me and I can trust them.
The real surprise was ‘man A’ then came back into my life, through a series of undeniable miracles. Because I had changed (as had he), the relationship blossomed into one even better than my wildest dreams. We were married later that year, and remain in a state of (nearly always) bliss.
The moral of this story? If you want a life of your dreams you don’t get to choose who plays the roles of family (spiritual family that is), mate, friend, co-worker. You just get to choose that you want it.
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And yes, oftentimes this means letting go of those who cannot treat you in the manner that you deserve (which is always wonderful). And sometimes letting go allows them to change into someone perfect (for you). Then again, sometimes letting go allows Mr. Right (for you) to enter stage left.


I know it is confusing, and difficult to sort out. Breaking it down into small and manageable parts allows you to look at all of the pieces to find out exactly why you are mis-creating.
“The Map” of conscious creation reminds us to ask these questions:
  1. Do you remember who you are?
    Marina you are a spark of the divine. And you create your (entire) reality!
  1. What do you want (desire)?
    It seems like you are clear on this, Marina. However, I bet that nowhere in your list of intentions does it state “I intend my partner has another love.” If you do not already have this intention, I would add it: “I intend to create an exclusive, loving, joyful and fun-filled relationship.”
  1. What energy are you putting forth?
    Marina you said it yourself, you feel disappointed and desperate. Remember, the energy (in the form of thoughts and feelings and beliefs) you put out you get back. What you are creating is more disappointment and more desperation.Try imagining a man who loves you so much and is so deeply committed to you he cannot even imagine being with anyone else ever! And then take a look at the beliefs you hold about men and relationships. Beliefs are energy you are exuding 24/7!
  2. What action are you taking?
    I know you don’t want to hear this, but my suggestion is to date other men. If this guy has any hope of being ‘the one’ for you, he will eventually show up and ask for an exclusive relationship. If not, good riddance! You deserve more Marina. Meanwhile, there are lots of fish in the sea. Practice creating and see what you can manifest!
  3. What is your world saying to you (response) and what is your response back? Your world always reflects back to you what you are sending out in the form of energy. If you are happy with what is happening in your reality, thank the universe and enjoy… keep up the good work! If you are not happy, go back and redefine your dream, work on your beliefs and your thoughts and feelings, and take different action.
  4. When not working on the relationship (and even when you are), are you happy?
    Spending your days in worry, doubt and despair won’t help. Find reasons to be happy. Start a gratitude journal. Smell the flowers. Read a good book. Know this is your illusion and you get to choose! (If that doesn’t make you happy I don’t know what will!)
  1. Do you ask for help?
    Every night and every morning… ask your unseen friends to help you manifest the relationship of your dreams. Request that they gently show you what you need to change in you, and help you as much as they can, to heal. Hey, it can’t hurt right?
So how do you turn the energy around and create the relationship of your dreams? You follow “The Map” and one by one take apart the components of your creation. It will take some work, dear In Love, but I know you can do this.
Keep me posted… I believe in your and your ability to use the law of attraction for love!
Sending love and light to you for a beautiful relationship!

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